Antique Illustrated Page from an Old Lithograph Text 1 | ANTIQUES.CO.UK |

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    illustrated page from an old lithograph text

    Illustrated Page from an Old Lithograph Text
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    Antique Illustrated Page from an Old Lithograph Text

    19 x27 cm
    1950s or earlier

    This page has three scenes from Hindu mythological texts. At top is a scene of homes or structures.
    The larger image depicts Hindu mythological wars which featured both mortals of great prowess as well as deities and supernatural beings, often wielding supernatural weapons of great power. These wars are mentioned in the Ramayana and Mahabharata which are the two main epics of India which, together, form the canon of Hindu scripture.
    The Ramayana tells the story about life of Rama from birth to death, praising his heroism and virtuosity and the Mahabharata narrates a complex story of war for the throne of Hastinapura. 
    In the war scene is the Monkey King, Hanuman, a hero in Hindu legends, celebrated for his wisdom, power and strength.
    If there is interest, I will provide other details/information available prior to purchase. Ref: QJ8RTETA

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