XML Importing - Antiques for sale selling and buying antiques online - ANTIQUES.CO.UK

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    XML Importing

    Save yourself time and hassle!

    RSS XMLDo you have a website with your own items on it? Don't fancy uploading antiques twice, once to your site and once to ours? You could seriously benefit from our automated XML import service.

    Simply contact us to arrange an automated import of a pre-existing XML feed on your site. Don't know what an XML feed is? Don't worry - it's fairly standard on all modern websites. You probably already have one.

    An XMl feed is a machine-readable document containing all the details of your site's antiques. It contains the name, the description, the image, the price - everything you need to upload a new item onto Antiques.co.uk

    If you're not sure you have one, you'll need to talk to your site's developers, or have a chat with these guys who will hold your hand through the process of setting one up.

    You can find a sample XML template ready for importing into Antiques.co.uk here, but if you need an explanation of all the fields:

    Sellers can place their items automatically into categories, an alternative method for finding items as you can see on this page. Category names will need to match the Antiques.co.uk's own list, which can be found here: Antiques.co.uk Category List. Use of categories is not mandatory. If no categories are supplied, the items will automatically be placed into the 'Unclassified' category.

    <id> - this is the seller's own internal id for the item. Not Mandatory
    <title> - the title of the item - Required
    <description> - the description of the item. Not Mandatory
    <images> - contains one or more <image></image> child nodes, each of which contains a full URL to one of the images for that item on your website. e.g


    Each item can have an unlimited number of images. Images are not mandatory, but recommended.
    <price> - a price for the item. Leave blank to state POA (Price on Application)
    <currency> - a currency code from one of the following:

    • gbp - sterling
    • usd - US Dollars
    • eur - Euros
    • rub - Rubles
    • jpy - Japanese Yen
    • aud - Australian Dollars
    • cny - Chinese Yuan
    <width> - a width for the item in centimetres. Not Mandatory
    <height> - a height for the item in centimetres. Not Mandatory
    <depth> - a depth for the item in centimetres. Not Mandatory
    <materials> - materials used in the construction of the item. Not Mandatory
    <categories> - used to assign the item to one or more categories on the site. Use the Antiques.co.uk category list - available here.
    <videoURL> - the public URL to either a Youtube or Vimeo video detailing your item. Note that this video must be publicly available, not private.
    <status> - status of your item, one of the following:
    • new - used when the item should be added to your account
    • update - used to update an existing item already uploaded to your account
    • delete - delete an item from your account.

    Ebay Shops

    RSS from EbayIf you currently maintain an Ebay Shop then with a few quick clicks of the mouse you'll be able to set it up to export a feed out to your Antiques.co.uk account and automatically import all of your items. For more information on setting this up, please get in touch.
