Antique Quality Antique 20th Century Small Scale Long Case Clock | ANTIQUES.CO.UK |

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    quality antique 20th century small scale long case clock

    Quality Antique 20th Century Small Scale Long Case Clock
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    Antique Quality Antique 20th Century Small Scale Long Case Clock
    • Antique Quality Antique 20th Century Small Scale Long Case Clock
    • Antique Quality Antique 20th Century Small Scale Long Case Clock
    • Antique Quality Antique 20th Century Small Scale Long Case Clock
    • Antique Quality Antique 20th Century Small Scale Long Case Clock
    • Antique Quality Antique 20th Century Small Scale Long Case Clock
    • Antique Quality Antique 20th Century Small Scale Long Case Clock

    unique antiques by emma jade

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    Quality antique 20th Century small scale long case clock with black Roman numerals & subsidiary minutes to the 15.5cm silvered chapter ring, the arched brass face with ornate spandrels and inscribed 'Tempus Fugit'
    The eight day movement striking and chiming on eight gongs, the oak case with tea caddy moulded top and pillar stiles to the hood over a long trunk door to a shallow paneled base and small bracket feet, with original pendulum and winding key

    D. 1900 Ref: 2P56T755W

    Width (cm):
    Height (cm):
    Depth (cm):

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    Unique Antiques By Emma Jade is a growing independent family run business we have a great passion for what we do. We pride ourselves on quality antique items at extremely competitive prices. Customer experience is extremely important to us and we support all of our sales from start to finish. We offer free UK delivery on a majority of our items quotes available upon request & for worldwide shipment. We specialise in Antique clocks, furniture, ceramics and Japanese Imari & antiques.

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    Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
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    T: 07789374912
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