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    león torchero

    Antique León Torchero

    rodrigo rivero lake

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    The sculptures of cane of maize(corn) constitute a precious and original heritage of Mexico, in his) manufacture there is a clear example of the artistic and religious miscegenation that took place in the colonial epoch between(among) Europeans and aborigens. According to the chroniclers, the aborigens developed the technology(skill) orginal of the figures of pasta(cash) of maize(corn) in Michoacán though also there was the work of this technology(skill) in other places of the center of the country.

    The major number of pieces with this technology is of religious type we find them in the viceregal epoch (XVIth to XVIIIth century) and they were the pieces that for his lightness dealt in the processions.
    His process consistia in hervír the canes of maize(corn) you dry, with poisonous plants to eliminate the moth, on the bark having been dried to the Sun desprendian and they were extracting only the marrow and were mixing it with the rubber(gum) of a begonía of orchid. Of this mixture(mixing) it was turning out to be a manageable pasta(cash) and of high duration which the aborigens used for the production(elaboration) and creation of thousands of forms and you appear so much religious as believers
    Las esculturas de caña de maíz constituyen un patrimonio precioso y original de México, en su manufactura hay un claro ejemplo del mestizaje artístico y religioso que tuvo lugar en la época colonial entre europeos e indígenas. Según los cronistas, los indígenas desarrollaron la técnica orginal de las figuras de pasta de maíz en Michoacán aunque también hubo el trabajo de esta técnica en otros lugares del centro del país.
    El mayor numero de piezas con esta técnica es de tipo religioso las encontramos en la época virreinal (siglos XVI al XVIII) y fueron las piezas que por su ligereza se ocuparon en las procesiones.
    Su proceso consistia en hervír las cañas de maíz secas, con plantas venenosas para eliminar la polilla, al ser secadas al sol desprendian la corteza y extraían solo la médula y la mezclaban con la goma de una begonía de orquídea. De esta mezcla resultaba una pasta manejable y de alta duración la cual emplearon los indígenas para la elaboración y creación de miles de formas y figuras tanto religiosas como creyentes Ref: Q5YHKYKY

    Hoja de Maíz
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    Rodrigo Rivero Lake

    Traveller, collector and dealer specialized in art for amateurs as well as museums. He has published 4 books up to present: "The Vision of an Antiquarian" "Namban Art in Viceregal Mexico" "Rodrigo Rivero Lake: notes, stories and anecdotes" (Volume I & II) He has also collaborated with several magazines, radio, news, and TV shows. Interior designer since 1959. Rodrigo Rivero Lake, has taken very relevant mexican pieces to museums all over the globe, such as the LACMA, the Brooklyn museum of art, the TRAMELL Coll in Dallas. as well as exhibitions in Italy, Spain, USA, Mexico (various cities). Our activities include worldwide buying and selling the most relevant mexican, south american, namban and mexican galleon trade pieces. Arquitectural elements from Mexico and India (such as the entrance door to a city, palace facades, patios, doors, etc.)

    Contact details

    Rodrigo Rivero Lake
    Campos Eliseos 199 PH
    Miguel Hidalgo
    Central London
    T: 52815377

    rodrigo rivero lake

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