Antique Antique French Ormolu Cherub Table Lamp Louis XVI Style c.1870 | ANTIQUES.CO.UK |

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    antique french ormolu cherub table lamp louis xvi style c.1870

    Antique French Ormolu Cherub Table Lamp Louis XVI Style c.1870
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    Antique Antique French Ormolu Cherub Table Lamp Louis XVI Style c.1870

    This is a fine large antique ormolu Louis XVI Revival table lamp with a cream silk shade, circa 1870 in date.


    An ormolu sculpture of a cherub symbolising autumn, holding a basket of harvest goods and a sickle and mounted on an circular white marble base. Signed by the sculptor, Boyer, and later fitted as a lamp.

    The craftsmanship is second to none throughout all aspects of this piece and it is sure to add an unparalleled touch of elegance to your home.
    In excellent working condition having been beautifully cleaned and rewired in our workshops, please see photos for confirmation.
    Dimensions in cm:
    Height 69 x Width 26 x Depth 26
    Dimensions in inches:
    Height 2 foot, 3 inches x Width 10 inches x Depth 10 inches

    Our reference: A2210
    Ormolu -(from French 'or moulu', signifying ground or pounded gold) is an 18th-century English term for applying finely ground, high-caratgoldin amercuryamalgamto an object ofbronze.The mercury is driven off in akilnleaving behind a gold-coloured veneerknown as'gilt bronze'.
    The manufacture of true ormolu employs a process known as mercury-gilding orfire-gilding, in which a solution ofnitrate of mercuryis applied to a piece ofcopper,brass, or bronze, followed by the application of anamalgamof gold and mercury. The item was then exposed to extreme heat until the mercury burned off and the gold remained, adhered to the metal object.

    Lost Wax Method
    sometimes called by the French name of cire perdue or the Latin, cera perduta is the process by which a bronze or brass is cast from an artists sculpture.
    In industrial uses, the modern process is called investment casting. An ancient practice, the process today varies from foundry to foundry, but the steps which are usually used in casting small bronze sculptures in a modern bronze foundry are generally quite standardised. Ref: GM5DW9F6G

    Width (cm):
    Height (cm):
    Depth (cm):

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