Antiques Magazine - October 2018, Ivory Régulations we need your comments please - ANTIQUES.CO.UK

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    Ivory Régulations we need your comments please

    Posted by Iain Brunt on 29/10/2018

    Ivory Régulations we need your comments please

    We are asking all our members their views on the new regulations coming into force. Please email your comments to us at 


    Thank you Nicholas for being the first.


    Dear Ian,


    Thank you for this.


    The exceptions should include Ivorytype photographs from the 19th century.  Unfortunately the term Ivorytype has been applied to several photographic processes, most of which do not involve ivory.  However, some photographs were produced directly onto ivory and these are very rare, particularly the early ones.  In 36 or so years of assiduous international collecting I have purchased 4 or 5 of varying 19th century dates and seen a similar number either for sale or in other collections.  All have been portraits.  It would not save a single elephant to make the trade in these pieces illegal or have any effect on the international ivory trade.


    I strongly support efforts to save elephants and supress the international ivory trade. 


    Yours sincerely,




    Nicholas Burnett

    Anonymus contributor

    We all very much appreciate wildlife conservation, especially that of the Elephant.


    A total ban on all ivory sales irrespective of age, may on the face of it appear to be an excellent proposition to immediately curtail the slaughter of the elephants. However, ivory continues to be an income generator for local and indigenous people as a source to make a living and feed the family.


    Restricting sales to Antique Only with agreed date line could maintain the continued circulation of items already in the system. The problem appears to be the vast amount of new items masquerading as old antique.


    Would it be possible to place a premium on all Ivory Items (special tax) to be collected and distributed as income to local and indigenous people as a contribution towards living and survival needs?

    By progressively increasing local living standards, the need to slaughter these animals could be reduced.

    Whilst at the same time, increasing the penalties to the handlers and distributors of illegal ivory and products.

    It could also be an income source to improve the policing and monitoring of illegal hunting groups.

    (set a thief to catch a thief) !


    Pay locals to police the system not hunt ivory for income



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